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Mindful Moment – Just notice
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It’s important to stop occasionally and just notice what is around us no matter where we are. It will help to ground us in the moment and slow down those anxious thoughts.
Be Your Own Ecotherapist
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Earilier this year results were published from a project lead by Kings College London, into to effects of the outdoors on our mental health. Using smartphone data the Uban Mind app collected real time data on the impact of nature on mental […]
Beat the Sunday Blues
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It’s Sunday evening and much of the developed world is giving a collective groan. The weekend is fast receding, Monday is fast approaching, and the blues set in. What can you do to stop Monday morning sabotaging your weekend: Prepare on Friday […]
Breathe Away Anxiety
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If you suffer with stress and anxiety, chances are you have tried or been recommended breathing exercises. There are loads out there to try, it’s a case of finding what works for you. BUT if you like to see the benefits quickly, […]
Escaping the Everlasting Duvet Day
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So we all love the odd lazy day, Staying in our PJ’s, eating junk food and cosying under the duvet. It’s a treat, an indulgence, a necessary part of being Ill or having a cheeky hangover. But what happens when it’s more […]
How Walking Benefits Mental Health
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In CBT we often use behavioural activation to start people on path to feeling better and reclaiming their lives. The aim is for people to restart activities that mean something to them and will bring about positive feelings. Unfortunately, mental illness can […]
CBT, What is it?
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We’ve been hearing a lot recently about mental health and how many people in the UK are suffering. Chances are, if you are reading this that you have heard of CBT, it’s the buzz therapy at the moment. It’s recommended by doctors, […]
The Long Term Effects of Stress – How CBT can help.
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Most of us have experienced stress and anxiety to some degree during our lives. But many people are living with excessive worry day in day out. The constant “what if…” running through their brain everyday; “what if I miss my deadline”, “what […]