Beat the Sunday Blues

It’s Sunday evening and much of the developed world is giving a collective groan. The weekend is fast receding, Monday is fast approaching, and the blues set in.  What can you do to stop Monday morning sabotaging your weekend:


  1. Prepare on Friday

Instead of racing out of work at first opportunity of Friday, spend the last 5 minutes of the day planning for the following week; write a to do list, clean your desk, set everything up ready roll on Monday morning.  Realise that you might be feeling a little fragile and that Monday morning You needs a helping hand.

  1. Plan a treat for Monday morning

If Monday morning You is trapped under a grey cloud of gloom, plan something to lift your spirits.  Stop for a nice breakfast on the way in to work, have that caramel macchiato and stuff the calories, how about getting up early and doing some yoga or going for a walk.  Be kind to yourself, treat You as you would your best friend.

  1. Make Sunday evenings about you not work

So, Sunday evening is all about work prep right?!? Wrong!!  Why not make Sunday the new Saturday, have some friends over, go out for a meal, be social.  If that’s too much to face on a Sunday, take a nice aromatherapy bath, do some yoga, be active and release some of those luscious endorphins.

  1. Something to look forward to mid-week.

Ok, so Monday mornings may still suck and the working week is a drag.  So, plan something that will lift your spirits.  A mid-week sports game, a meal out with friends, the cinema, a post work coffee with a friend.  Remember that the working week isn’t all day every day, make the most of your free time, you worked for it after all.

  1. Self-awareness and self-soothing

Realise what is making you feel blue, the effect it has on you and take care of yourself.  Work out what will make you feel better, be your own best friend or therapist and be kind. 

Rebecca O’Dowd CBT

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